Monday, September 10, 2012

Hyperhydrosis - Peluh berlebihan

Okay, today i wanna share what hyperhydrosis is. ok.. hyper what??? yes, u heard me.. hyperhydrosis.. what's hyperhydrosis? i didn't know i suffer this and knew about it 5 or 6 years ago..

Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition in which a person sweats excessively and unpredictably. People with hyperhidrosis may sweat even when the temperature is cool or when they are at rest.  - dalam erti kata lain, hyperhydrosis adalah di mana kita mengalami peluh yang berlebihan.. berpeluh lebih dari orang normal..
dulu masa sekolah-sekolah, selalu tertanya-tanya kenapa tangan asyik basah jer.. i mean tapak tangan.. bila time exam kene bawak tissue banyak-banyak sebab nanti abes basah kertas.. T___T . memang sangat tidak selesa.. i found out 5 years ago my medical condition bila tengah google something and found hyperhydrosis... masa tu lah baru tahu.. then i google-ed lagi nak tahu treatment.. i found out treatment tak banyak kat negara kita.. jom tengok apa rawatannya...
Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS). In severe cases, a minimally-invasive surgical procedure called sympathectomy may be recommended when other treatments fail. The procedure turns off the signal that tells the body to sweat excessively. It is usually done on patients whose palms sweat much more heavily than normal. It may also be used to treat extreme sweating of the face. ETS does not work as well for those with excessive armpit sweating.
haaa ETS, (please read above) tapi this is the last resort and it will not completely heal it. sebab you may get sweat excessively kat area lain plak... kalau kat Malaysia, tak banyak hospital kerajaan yang dapat lakukan ETS. antaranya ialah HUKM dan IJN.. Hospital swasta pun ada tapi of course kosnya agak mahal..around 10-15K..
cara lain adalah :
Antiperspirants. ini adalah cara yang paling murah tapi keberkesanan adalah bergantung kepada individu. if pakai deodorant biasa memang takkan berkesan... i have tried Perspirex.. agak mahal sebab 15ml of Perspirex price nya dalam RM55 tapi tu 6-7 tahun dahulu. i'm not sure sekarang berapa harga sebab dah lama stop pakai yang ni.
Perspirex boleh didapati kat Guardian, Watson's and all leading pharmacies..
BOTOX. Satu lagi cara adalah inject botox di kawasan yang kuat berpeluh.. tapi agak mahal and sekali buat boleh cost sampai 2k.. huhuhu mahal tu.. and you have to continously inject botox after 6 months.. i have never tried sebab mahal sangat.. and i'm not sure whether it works.. huhuhu
itu adalah antara rawatan yang boleh dilakukan.. setakat ni memang takder ubat yang betul-betul dapat merawat hyperhydrosis. After ETS, ada yang bernasib baik tidak mengalami apa-apa kesan sampingan tapi tak ramai.. kebanyakannya mesti mengalami dekat areas atau bahagian yang lain..
However, excessive sweating occurs without such triggers. Those with hyperhidrosis appear to have overactive sweat glands. The uncontrollable sweating can lead to significant discomfort, both physical and emotional. - Yes this is how i feel.. my self-esteem becomes very low.. :( it affects you emotionally...
When excessive sweating affects the hands, feet, and armpits, it's called primary or focal hyperhidrosis. Primary hyperhidrosis affects 2 - 3% of the population, yet less than 40% of patients with this condition seek medical advice. In the majority of primary hyperhidrosis cases, no cause can be found. It seems to run in families. - My youngest brother suffer this too.. so kira memang batul laa it runs in the family.. macam mana it happens, i don't have answers for that... and i have never consulted medical advice. reason being is because i don't know who or where to get the advice from.. huhuhu.. if you go to normal GP, there's nothing they can do right?
My feet pun akan jadi lembap and pemilihan kasut yang sesuai adalah WAJIB!! i can't buy shoes yang insole dia kain sebab nanti lembap dan boleh berbau.. teruk kan? tapi nilah yang harus dihadapi hari-hari..
Jadi pemilihan pemakaian or jenis material juga penting bagi yang menghidap hyperhydrosis.. and i really hope one day akan ada rawatan untuk menyembuhkan sepenuhnya and sudah tentu kosnya agak minimal!
and tak ramai yang memahami apa yang kami (penghidap hyperhydrosis) alami..


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i have stopped using perspirex.. hahaha.. yes sometimes still peluh gak.. as now i'm sing Amway punyer.. still peluh but ok la.. sure dear.. i'll add u in FB :)

  3. i'm using.. not sing.. owh God typo... hehehe
