Friday, September 21, 2012

Biozone Food Purifier .. haaa ni bagus

Sebelum ni i memang tak pernah terfikir apa yang i makan.. i only eat chicken.. and that's it.. i don't eat vege, i don't eat red meat.. pendek kata i'm very picky about food. and i'm okay with eating chicken..setiap masa... everyday.. but, after watching the video on Biozone Food Purifier, believe it or not, i haven't had chicken with rice.. i just eat mee bandung everyday or bread.. it's almost a week now... hahaha... when i think of chicken, it makes me wanna puke...

last night i went to Glam, and they had a demo on the chicken using Biozone Food Purifier.. ok let's check apa bestnya Biozone food purifier ni?

What is Biozone Food Purifier? How does it work?

BIOZONE Food Purifier uses a proprietary process integrating ozone-resistant materials to convert oxygen (O2) into ozone (O3). The ozone that eliminates contaminants will be converted back into oxygen. The medical grade silicone tube will then channel the ozone into the water where the food is immersed. Bubbling process will take place to purify the food within the pre-determined time frame.
Product Benefit
  • Safe
  • Effectively removes contaminants in the food and retain food nutrients.
  • Effectively preserve food freshness and remove foul odour.
  • Multi-functional purification on food : Meat / Fruits / Vegetables / Seafood / Herbs
  • Consistent ozone output and environmentally-friendly.

  • Product Features

  • Convenient operation with 4-mode micro-processor timer control for different purification time frame (3 mins / 15 mins / 30 mins / 45 mins).
  • No need for regular ozone generator replacement.
  • Very low power consumption ~ 35W.
  • 100% medical grade silicone tube.
  • Highest A grade fine ceramic stone.
  • Ozone-resistant high grade ABS plastic.
  • Portable, convenient and user-friendly.

  • and ada yang bertanya sama ada Biozone Food Purifier boleh digunakan untuk membuat ozone water juga and the answe is YES memang boleh digukanan untuk menghasilkan ozoned water. dan ianya boleh digunakan untuk mencuci barangan bayi, membasuh muka bagi yang mengalami masalah kulit, allergies dan sebagainya.
    sayur-sayuran yang dibeli dari pasar especially dari cameron highlands mempunyai racun perosak yang melebihi tahap yang dibenarkan sebanyak 88%. we thought that Cameron Highlands punyer sayur mcm fresh dan sebagainya. and a few years back, kajian telah dilakukan oleh saintis tempatan kita, celery boleh menyebabkan kanser. Bukan disebabkan sayuran itu tetapi because of pesticide yang terkandung di dalam celery itu. or yang disembur untuk mengelakkan ulat memakan celery tersebut.

    teknologi ozone ini juga pernah digunakan untuk mengozon kan air kolam bagi sukan commenwealth di Stadium Bukit Jalil semasa berlangsungnya Commenwealth Games in 1998. at that time, news paper reported that the pool water is actually safe for the swimmers because a machine is used to ozonized the water. apparently machine yang digunakan berharga RM 1.2 billion. interesting bukan?

    dan Biozone Food Purifier juga boleh digunakan untuk menghilangkan klorin dan boleh digunakan untuk memenuhi akuarium.
    Biozone food purifier juga telah di uji di makmal and terbukti boleh menghapuskan 99% bakteria dan antibiotik yang terkandung di dalam makanan. Ianya telah mendapat banyak pengiktirafan seperti FDA, HACCP (to name a few) banyak lagi sebenarnya..
    How can I be certain that BIOZONE Food Purifier can perform 100% purification?

    We do not claim that BIOZONE Food Purifier can purify all chemicals by 100%. Our objective is to try to minimise as much chemicals as possible before we consume the food. Most chemicals can be reduced through the BIOZONE Purification Process, which we have a series of laboratory tests to share. Scientifically proven in many advanced countries, ozone technology is commonly used for purification of water, food and swimming pool treatment.

    Now, let's see some pictures taken from last night's demo.
    setelah di purify after 20 minutes. buih-buih kelihatan tapi tu bukan buih biasa
    Buih-buih tadi dikaut menggunakan lidi dan ianya adalah melekit-lekit (sticky)

    selepas dibakar, ianya menjadi keras
    Give me a call for a demo!! and see it yourself!!!
    Call/text : 019-3344202

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