Monday, June 10, 2013

of rambut and iron straightener - Part one

hello beautiful ladies,

Here, i would like to share something yang i really love!!! pasal rambut.. ok tak kisah la kita pakai tudunng or not, rambut harus dijaga.. bukan untuk org lain tapi untuk kita sendiri.. and for those who are married of course you want to look good for your husband. right? *wink wink*..

tak dinafikan orang cakap, rambut adalah mahkota wanita... but how far would you go for your hair? as for me, biasa-biasa jer.. but yes, i'm a bit obsessed with my hair.. my hair texture is very coarse and dry and very thick.. if panjang memang tebal giler..

i used to blow dry my hair almost every day (blow dry and make it straight ok) and it took me more than one hour.. just imagine!! huh penat tangan mak!.. then my hair starts to become dry and brittle.. pastu color laa lagi.. macam-macam lah.. then i found out pasal iron straightener.. my first one that i bought was Vidal Sassoon...

Vidal Sassoon

it looks like this.. wide plate and it's not ceramic..

almost look like pic kat atas. (image is by mr google). ini mmg haru nak buat rambut pakai ni.. dahla besar and berat plus it's not ceramic plate.. huh! bercinta.. yang ni if i do my hair memang x jadi sgt.. coz my hair jenis degil.. dah la berat n besar.. sakit tgn oooooo.. it gave pressure to your tangan punyer nerve or whatever.. mmg sakit.. berhari-hari gak la berdenyut..i still have this tapi it's with my friend..

then i went to salon punyer supplier and bought another one.. ni konon2 salon pakai laa.. price is around RM230.. gigih pakai kredit kad.. huhuhu sebab nak jugak kan..
i forgot the name of the brand tapi made in China kalo tak silap.. and it looks something like this

pun i still have..(tapi dah give away to my friend gak) pengalaman pakai yang ni.. ok laaa.. there's one time i buat wavy pakai this one (yes, hair straightener pun boleh buat your hair wavy yer) and went to work.. my colleague said  " apsal ko nampak serabai jer?" ouch!! ok, awkward!! tapi one thing this thing makes my hair very dry.. huhu.. and rambut okay for only a day.. next day dah xtahu jadi apa dah.. masa ni memang selalu kene buat hair treatment.. and my hair is pecah-pecah coz always use this thing.. plus, i love my hair to blow in.. if i go to salon, i will get my hair stylist to blow in my hair.. so dengan pakai benda ni, it makes your life easier.. compared pakai hair dryer.. hair dryer agak penat arr...

then.. my friend suggested me something else.. jeng jeng jeng.. i've tried hers and i really like it.. nak tahu jenis and brand apa?

ok kene tunggu my next post :P

happy reading peeps!!!

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